
4 Letter of Recommendation for Employee Templates

A letter of recommendation for employees is a powerful tool that showcases a professional’s strengths, character, and accomplishments and enables potential employers to make informed decisions based on a credible endorsement. Since this document is crucial for job seekers who are applying for a new job, understanding how to write this type of letter may help you communicate effectively on behalf of a former employee, which can help you maintain a positive professional connection. Therefore, in this guide, we will explore what a letter of recommendation is and will also go through multiple templates that you will be able to use as references.

How to Write a Letter of Recommendation

Supervisors, managers, or even co-workers are often asked to write a letter of recommendation for a former employee who is seeking a job. A well-written reference letter, alongside an impressive resume and cover letter, can go a long way in helping a person get their dream job. However, reference letters can be challenging to write if you want to fully capture the person’s character and best attributes. However, by following some easy steps and tips, you can create the perfect recommendation letter for your employee.

What is a Letter of Recommendation?

A letter of recommendation is a formal document that is used to demonstrate a candidate’s desirable skills and qualities to a potential employer. Typically, this letter includes the relationship between the candidate and the writer, examples of specific experiences working together, and a strong closing recommending the candidate for the position.

Employers mainly use the letter of recommendation as a tool to get to know the candidate better through someone else’s lens and many employers do ask for a recommendation letter during the hiring process. Former employers, professors, teachers, colleagues, or mentors can provide a recommendation letter that attests to a person’s ability to excel in a new role.

Components of a Letter of Recommendation

If you are interested in helping a former employee stand out from the crowd, you must use the following format to write a powerful letter of recommendation:

The Heading
The heading should display the employee’s name, contact details, job title, dates, and company address.

The Salutation 
Similar to business format letters, a letter of recommendation for an employee must include a salutation, such as Dear Dr., Dear Mr., Dear Mrs., and so on. If you want to write a general letter, start it with ‘To Whom It May Concern’ or disregard the salutation completely.

The Body Paragraphs
A strong letter mainly features three paragraphs in the body paragraph. These body paragraphs will convey further information about the candidate’s experiences and skills and why you are a knowledgeable reference, which may be important to the potential employer. The information you need to include in these body paragraphs is:

The First Paragraph 
The first paragraph conveys your relationship to the person applying for the new job and why your opinion carries value. Keep this paragraph to one or two sentences at its maximum.

The Second Paragraph
The second paragraph provides more in-depth information on the person you are writing about, including what they can contribute to the organization and why they are a valuable asset. If you have a lot to say about the person applying for the job, you can write several paragraphs instead of trying to fit all your thoughts into one.

The Third Paragraph
When you are writing the third paragraph, clearly mention how the candidate’s specific skills align with the position they are applying for. This paragraph mainly gives a summary of why the candidate is perfect for the job.

The Summary 
The summary section of the reference letter specifies why you are recommending the candidate for the position. To strengthen the quality of the letter of recommendation, you must use phrases such as ‘has my highest recommendation’, ‘wholeheartedly recommend’, ‘strongly recommend’, and so on.

The Conclusion 
Lastly, the concluding paragraph should include an invitation to ask any further questions if the potential employer has any. Be sure to write your contact details in this paragraph, and put your email address in the return address part of the letter. You can also put this information underneath your signature and list your number another time.

Tips to Write an Effective Letter of Recommendation

Here are a few tips that will help you write an effective letter of recommendation:

Use a Professional Format
Keep your language professional and informative, avoid jargon or slang, and use a professional font, such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman, that is easy to read.
Use Specific Examples
Anecdotes will not only show that you had a professional relationship with the candidate, but they are an excellent and memorable way to illustrate the candidate’s skills and qualities.
Proofread Your Document
A document filled with errors or typos looks extremely unprofessional and will damage your professionalism and also the credibility of the employee you are trying to help.

Letter of Recommendation Samples & Examples

There are multiple templates of reference letters, however, the most effective ones are as follows

1. Standard Letter of Recommendation for Employee

Dear [Name],

I am writing to recommend [Employee Name] who worked with us at [Name of the Organization] as a [Employee’s Job Title] and [Reported to Me] in my position as [Your Job Title].

As an employee, [Employee Name] was always [Describe Their Quality]. I have always put a high focus on [One of the Quality] among my team members, and [Employee Name] never failed to deliver. For example, when [Insert a Scenario].

[Employee Name] is a delight to work with, and I would not hesitate to hire [him/her] again. If you have any further queries about [him/her], feel free to reach me at [Your Contact Information].

[Your Name and Signature]

2. Specialized Letter of Recommendation for Employee


Dear [Mr./Ms./Mrs.] [Name],

I am writing to recommend [Employee Name] for the position of [Job Title] associate at [Name of the Organization].

I have worked with [Employee Name] for the past [Number of Years] at [Organization’s Name] in [City], and I have always been impressed with [his/her] ability to handle customers and work well with [his/her] colleagues.

I have been [Employee Name]’s manager for [Number of Years] years. During this time, all I have witnessed is that [he/she] greets customers joyfully, and [his/her] expertise is such that [he/she] can always answer anyone.

[His/Her] performance numbers have multiplied each year, and we are sad to lose [him/her] as an employee, but we understand and respect [his/her] decision.

[Employee Name] would be an excellent addition to your team as [he/she] has an excellent rapport with [his/her] colleagues, and they enjoy working with [him/her]. I am sure [he/she] would be ideal as a [Job Title].

Please feel free to contact me by email [Email Address] or cell phone [Contact Number] if you have any questions.

Signature (hard copy letter)
[Your Name]

3. Recommendation Letter Written for Employee for Character Reference Letter


Dear [Name],

I am writing this reference in support of [Employee Name] who was my college roommate, and we have been friends for the past decade. So, if you are looking for a smart, talented, and diligent candidate, [Employee Name] is the perfect match.

As a student, [Employee Name] was constantly engaged in classes, [he/she] studied not just to get good grades but also to truly understand the material. Therefore, it was no surprise when [he/she] displayed these characteristics once [he/she] started working.

As a friend, [Employee Name] is caring and supportive. When my dad passed away shortly after graduation, [Employee Name] was one of the first people I told. [He/She] has a trait for maintaining and building solid friendships. These skills would surely enable [him/her] to excel as a [Job Title] for [Organization Name].

[Employee Name] would be an asset to any company, and I wholeheartedly recommend [him/her]. Please get in touch with me if you have any further questions either through my email address: [Email Address] or my contact number: [Contact Number].

Signature (hard copy letter)
[Your Name]

4. Recommendation Letter for Employee by a Co-Worker

Dear [Name],

As [Employee Name]’s teammate at [Organization Name] for the past [Number of Years] years, I have benefited from [his/her] tireless work ethic, creative problem-solving, and willingness to do whatever it takes to create products that will translate customers’ visions into reality.

[Employee Name] is directly responsible for increasing client retention by [Percentage Value] percent. During [his/her] tenure, [Organization Name] onboarded several new clients, of which [Employee Name] was considered to be a valuable asset.

As a colleague, [Employee Name] is incredibly generous with [his/her] time and expertise, including everything from [Number of Years] of management experience to an expert-level knowledge of Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator.

I will be happy to answer any questions you might have about [his/her] specific skills and experience.

Thank you and best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Contact Number]


For employers, reference letters are a great way to maintain relationships, build their employer brand, and encourage past employees to speak highly of their company.


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