
How to Get HR Certified Easily?

Thinking about getting HR certified? Having trouble in selecting which HR certification is best for you? In this piece we will try to cover the topic of how you can get HR Certified easily. But before this we will talk about the problems which are faced by people who are in the HR profession and want to get certified.

Getting an HR certification should be easy. But because a lot of platforms are operating as a for profit business, they include ridiculous policies and complex processes just so that they can justify the pricing and cost. Although getting a certificate or any educational verification should encompass only two things, One. That you have studied and have strong knowledge and information about the subject, in our case the Human Resources Profession. Second. That you attempt an exam which will test your subject knowledge and if you clear that exam you should be certified or attested. Right? But things are not as simple as they seem. We will cover as to why they are so complicated later in the article.

For those who have no work experience

Now for those candidates worldwide, who are done with their graduations in Human Resources field and are either looking for a job or have luckily landed their first job. They should target to get a generic Human Resources Certification like CHRP or for those who want to have a career in training and change management should get a Certified Training & Development Professional Certification also called CTDP. Some misgivings about these two HR certifications is that they have to be from specific bodies. The plain answer is: NO. You can do a basic search online or in your city that which platform or institution is offering these certifications and you can enroll for them. Currently there are a few established Online HR certification platforms operating out of the US which are providing Global HR certifications such as SHRM, HRAcademia and HRCI among others.

On Job Candidates

For on-job candidates it is far more challenging to get HR certified. Getting a certification in human resources can be very rough for people who are working through out the day, managing not only themselves but their teams and these people in majority of the cases have families. Hence there evenings and weekends are also packed. Getting HR certification for these type of HR professionals can be very draining. These candidates very often end up signing up for the program and not attempt the exam or just keep putting off the notion of getting an HR certification which ultimately cost’s them in the short and the long run as well.

Certifications available

Right now some of the top HR certification platforms have a very difficult process, first of all you have to become a member, then you have to purchase online learning material, then you have to signup for a specific exam window, it is mostly at a pre-determined physical location and rarely online. There is not much point of getting everything online except the exam. And of top of all that there are hefty exam fee’s which will put a dent of a thousand dollars on your personal account. It doesn’t end here. Once you do clear the exam, you have to renew your certificate every couple of years, and if you do not clear the first time around you are charged a re-take fee. Only exception to these rules is HRAcademia, where you signup for a certificate, get access to a learning module and you can attempt the exam from your home or office or anywhere. This specific platform also does not have exam windows which means you can study at your own speed and attempt the exam whenever you feel you are ready. On top of all of this you get two chances to clear the exam!

Steps to getting Online HR certification from HRAcademia are easy and simple:
Signup for the certificate of your choice
Get access to learning material
Attempt the exam
Get certified

If you get HR certified from any other global HR certification provider, you will find yourself in a spot. With the current era of technology and advancement online HR certification is the thing. Currently in the United States more and more people are opting for online education because of busy schedules and hectic work routines. Its time to get HR certified and you can do that in a few simple clicks.

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