About Us
HRAcademia is an online HR certification awarding platform for people in the HR profession across the world; HRAcademia is a first of its kind online HR certification website whose main aim and mission is to empower people through online learning and then certifying their skills online. HRAcademia strives to set the standard for HR excellence around the world.
HRAcademia will continuously develop HR certifications and courses to cater to business and HR professionals throughout the world.
HRAcademia Certification: Career and Business Advantage
Through the combination of formal education, adherence to high ethical standards, demonstrated knowledge and achievement through exam and a renewed commitment to continuing professional development, HR professionals certified by HRAcademia enhance their professional credibility and the organizations they serve.
It is a generally accepted fact that certified professionals have many advantages over non-certified employees:
Career Advantage: For the serious HR practitioner, HR certification is a must-have career advantage. HRAcademia certification holders report better employment prospects, higher annual salaries, faster income growth and higher levels of career satisfaction.
Business Benefits: With HRAcademia letters next to your name, organizations are confident that you have the expertise to perform at the highest level – that you have what it takes to provide strategic HR and human capital management direction – that you can create advantages out of constantly shifting technologies, laws, worker needs and workplace environments.