
The Case of Online HR Certification

With the start of 2020 and the takeover of COVID-19 of the world, we witnessed more and more people self-isolating. Governments announced safety measures, employers asked people to work online, and educational institutes shifted to online patterns. If this situation has done anything, it has furthered the case of online HR certifications and the need for creating easy and accessible methods of how people learn and attempt exams.

One of the most straining things which working human resources professionals faced throughout the world was to find the time to attend physical classes and then attempt exams in a testing room setup. HRAcademia was formed with this key idea in mind that HR professionals around the world would not need to be the slaves of some of the big bodies to verify their credentials and their merit by being dictated to follow nebulous policies and complex mechanisms. HR professionals have to navigate strange policies and renewal of their HR certifications (it is just a way of earning more money for these big HR platforms).

At HRAcademia, Human Resources can earn their well-merited online human resources certifications by studying for the exam (all the material is online and can also be downloaded). And attempt the exam online as well. As soon as the online exam is finished, candidates are informed about their scores based on a well-integrated online calculating mechanism. However, HRAcademia is rated as one of the best online HR certifications in the world.

Only in the year 2019, more than 2000 people from the United States and 4500 people from the rest of the world were certified through our online HR platform. We did foresee the need for making things convenient and easy for deserving HR professionals to gain a world-class online HR certification, but we did not anticipate that the entire world would be enveloped in the pandemic and the isolation based work from home and learn from home situation. However, we are really glad that our system is completely online, and Human Resources professionals need only a laptop and an internet connection to get certified!

In these times, where people are avoiding public gatherings and mingling, socializing has gone out of the window for sure. It is also high time for those human resources professionals who have been putting off getting HR certified for a long time. With socializing at a bare minimum, HR professionals have a lot of time to prepare and get certified. One of the positives which you can derive from this unhealthy situation is to get certified. This will work wonders for your career. Not only will it leave your peers impressed. But this could also save your job.

In the post COVID era, jobs will dry up completely as more and more employers will switch to work from home scenarios, and it may end up leaving human resources departments with minimum inclusion. HR professionals will be available by the dozens, and the jobs will be rare, so those people who will have the edge over the other human resources professionals will survive or shine.

It is also a known fact that in the Human Resources industry, the armory of an HR professional is incomplete without being certified. Think of an HR certification as a shield and badge of honor which you have acquired. You carry it around on your chest as a mark of being in a different class from the other soldiers. Normally what makes up a complete human resources professional is a degree in human resources, diverse experience, and a certification in human resources comes as a cherry on top!

Another big question for all human resources professionals has always been the credibility of the platform where they are getting their human resources certification is from. Some of the major human resources certifying platforms are based in the United States. However, their credibility is based on the artificial value creation of their content and targeted marketing. Often times, human resources professionals seek some form of credibility, let us put this case to rest once and for all. There is no body or board in the world which regulates human resources certifications. An online human resources certification is normally gauged by the quality of the material and the content which is provided by the certification body and, finally, by how competitive the exam is. Although there are major changes to just checking the memory skills of candidates, however much is still needed to make sure that online HR certification is recognized for its true worth.

To recap, online education is here to stay one way or the other. The aftershocks and the ripple effect of this pandemic would mean that masses may have adjusted to this new way of acquiring knowledge. It is high time for the HR professionals to get in the race of getting online HR certification, already there is a massive influx of enrollments in the United States of America on our platform, but it does not matter whether you are in the United States or not, you can get an online HR certification from anywhere in the world!

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