
Why Is The Course Content Of Professional Hr Certification More Valid Than An MBA In HR?

In the current era, people are crazy toward MBA program. There is a huge competition among students for getting admission in top business schools of the world. As the market becomes more competitive every year, there is a decline on the rise of business graduates as people are considering MBA little less than before due to many reasons. One of many reasons is the presence of several alternatives which are introduced in the market throughout the world to compete with the MBA programs and they are highly successful in penetrating the market and making their name. One of which is the certification programs, although there is a huge difference between a formal degree program and a certification program, due to the change in market dynamics people are now opting for certifications over traditional MBA program. If we specifically talk about the field of HR then we can see that due to multiple reasons people related to the field of HR are preferring certification in HR now more than ever before due to its extreme flexibility and highly updated course content. Throughout the world, the HR certification industry is hugely dominated by SHRM (Society of Human Resources Management) which is the pioneer of HR certification industry in the world and due to its influence, there are quite significant milestones been achieved in the field of HR after several years of marketing and successful campaigns of capturing the professionals towards the HR certification programs.

So, you must be thinking about why exactly the course content of these programs really matters? Well, it has a huge impact as due to the change in the current market trend. The current HR job market demands that person belonging to the field of HR should have extensive knowledge of their respective domain and because of the highly flexible course selection criteria, employers prefer employees with some sort of HR certification. It is also now possible to opt for the specific certification program which contains the required knowledge of the concerned domain which is required rather than spending time on traditional formal degree program with too much extra stuff. If we look at the exact definition of what the course is then we can easily see that it refers to the study plan or the set of classes of particular subject meaning that it is a general parameter which defines what to expect from the particular course. There are several advantages and qualities of MBA in HR and it is important to first understand them before comparing it with any other program so below here are some of the key advantages and qualities of an MBA in HR;

Development of Managerial Skills:

When a person completes an MBA in HR, it developed extraordinary managerial skills such as how to effectively manage and oversee business operations, how to lead the team and how to get the work done properly. An MBA program in HR contains several skill development stages as during the course of study people learn several different concepts and gain insight into key management tools which eventually help them in their practical life.

The Insight of Market:

A qualified person with an MBA in HR has the benefit and advantage that it has the access to the large business network as during the course of study the person interact with professionals in various projects and develop understanding which helps in getting the insight about what is currently going on in the market and in the practical world whereas in certification programs, due to extreme flexibility there is very little room of interaction. Although, it provides the opportunity to interact with some of the highly qualified professionals in the market.

Entrepreneurial Thoughts Generation:

The core purpose and MBA program is to develop the right amount of skills needed to become the management expert or an entrepreneur. Almost every person with MBA degree consider at some in their life about starting their own business and this entrepreneurial mindset comes after the completion of entrepreneurship course as throughout the course there are several detailed concepts of each and every aspects of the subject and some of it is just extra material which is not necessarily useful whereas in HR certification programs the entire course related to entrepreneurship is specific to the current market needs and only comprise of required material which also reduced the time period of program completion by a significant margin.

All of the above advantages related to MBA in HR is defined to give an idea about what MBA in HR has to offer but the important point to notice here is the time period as now if we follow the current market situation we see that there is very limited time availability present for professionals or individuals nowadays and due to that it becomes difficult to pursue an MBA in HR while keeping the job at the same time. An average regular MBA program takes around 2 years to complete which is quite long and required serious dedication to time management which is indeed difficult for professionals.

Now, if we compare the course content of MBA with the certification programs then we can easily see that there are many compelling advantages of certification over the MBA keeping in mind the current and upcoming market demand. Following are some of the major differences in the course content of an MBA program in HR vs. certifications in HR. Following list contains details about the key differences in some of the general courses of MBA program in HR vs. the certification programs in HR that are usually offered by institutions throughout the world;

Financial Accounting:

The financial accounting is one of the most important courses in every MBA program and it contains several topics related to financial accounting and its basics with vast details about several things whereas in HR certification, the course content is highly specific as in it is focused towards the subject and contains only the necessary content and emphasize on the relevancy to the required knowledge of the subject.


In MBA program, this course contains detailed knowledge about all the management functions and related topics and generally provide the overall concept of the subject. In the HR certification programs, there are highly relevant topics included to provide the required level of knowledge rather than create complications for the person and consume lots of time. You can easily identify the major difference here is the time and relevant content as the sole purpose of enrolling in certification is to get only the specific subject knowledge rather than the whole which eventually increase the focus and attention of the individuals.

Managerial Economics:

Every MBA student has to take this course and it comprises of economics topics related to managerial aspects as is quite comprehensively explained in the course. If we compare it to the HR certification programs then we can see that there is a huge difference in the course material of both programs. One of the key things to describe here is that the course material included in the certification programs is highly updated and according to the current market need and is one of the reasons why people are now preferring the certification programs over the traditional degree programs.

At some point in career, every professional of HR field feels the need of certifications in order to get a promotion in the current job as a formal degree program is difficult to pursue due to a busy schedule. Employers provide their employee with opportunities of various skill development programs such as professional development courses and certifications option and the ultimate objective of the employers is to enhance the workforce capability and increase the organizational productivity. When it comes to choosing a right certification program, things get difficult as even in just the field of HR there are multiple areas and each individual has their specific area to which it needs to improve and enhance. So, what is the right certification program? The answer to this question is quite simple, it depends on you and it is obvious that after the completion there is a guaranteed increment in individual skill set and knowledge base as every certification program ensure these things. Fresh graduates of HR field often ask a question that what are the chances of them getting hired if they get an HR certification? Well, it is obvious that certifications do not guarantee the employment but it certainly does increase the chances to get hired by several times. When employers receive Resume related to particular job related to HR, one of the key things that catch their eyes is the certification or any skill development program that the applicant completed or has. At the end after the detailed explanation and presenting the cases of both formal degree program in HR and the certification programs in HR it now becomes clear that the market of today and tomorrow demand is highly focused towards certified professionals.

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